Monday, January 26, 2015

I Can Do Hard Things

I must tell you of an experience I had this weekend.

I attended a funeral, which was particularly difficult because it was my sweet niece, only 21 years of age.  Now in my faith, we believe that once passed on, they go back to live with Heavenly Father, and therefore, it isn't that they are lost to us forever, just a short time, until we are reunited again.  So my heart didn't ache for my niece, but more for her parents.  Especially for her mom, because I kept thinking over and over, how would I feel?  Then her mom said something to me that I have heard her say many times before, but this time is struck me deep, " I can do hard things."  And she said it with a smile in her eyes and a belief that she could really do it.  I watched her as she went through with the largest funeral I have ever been through, and the whole time she smiled and greeted people and laughed and hugged. She was the rock that people needed to see.  She is a hero in my eyes. 

I CAN DO HARD THINGS!  What if I developed that attitude?  What if I said that with every adversity that hit me?  I believe I can do hard things too.  I think we can all do hard things, if we just believe we can.  It is a great frustration to me, one of my biggest frustrations actually, when people complain about silly little things.  There is always someone around us, going through something bigger, harder, and more difficult.  What if we developed the attitude of saying - I can do hard things - as well as not complaining about them.  What a concept?  No sarcasm at all in that question!

But really, we could get through anything, if we just put our mind to it, and said - I can do hard things!


God has promised us that He will never give us more than what we can do.  He will never give us more than what will make us strong.  He will give us what we need to help us grow and be the best we can be.  So what are we going to do with what He gives us?  We should say, I CAN DO HARD THINGS, and then go and get them done. 

Hard things are not easy, but we can do them.   I can do them! 

I CAN DO HARD THINGS!  Because I am tough and because it is what I should do!  I could list of a hundred things in my life right now that are hard things for me to do, but I can do them.  More importantly, I could list of a thousand things that are good about my life and easy for me to do.  It is all a matter of what we believe, and what we want. 


Friday, January 16, 2015

Twenty Years From Now.....

Instead of taking a walk down memory lane today, I think I want to take a walk into the future.  Wouldn't that be great?  To be able to have some glimpses into our future?  I wonder will I be happy with who I have become?  Five years from now, 10, 15 or even 20 years from now, what will I see and who will I be?  What will I have done with my life? 

I like this quote from Mark Twain.  I am sure it is true, that we will be more disappointed by the things that we did not do, instead of the ones that we did do.  Reality is, most of the things we did do, we won't even remember doing.  They just become part of the mish mash of who we have become.  Those things that we have really accomplished, with time, effort, stress, work, sacrifice, and planning..... those are the ones that we remember, that we cherish. 

It is funny also, what others remember, compared to what we do.  My kids remember all kinds of things that to me, are just part of the mish mash.  To them, they were memorable events.  So even though we always say, it doesn't matter what others think of us, it kind of does.   Others remember things about us too, things that are just part of our mish mash of lives, that we don't even recall.  How do we want others to remember us?

Five years from now, hmmmm, where do I want my life to be?  What things to do I want to be different?  Do
A little humor, but this is often me now!
I still want to be working at the same job?  Thinking about my   relationship with my spouse, kids, friends.....  Thinking about my financial future...........  Thinking about my own personal development.......  Thinking about my business ideas that I have had for years now.........  Where will these things go in the next five years?  Because five years, ten years, twenty years will come and go regardless of whether or not I want them to, so how can I shape them to be who and what I want? 

I wish 20 years ago, I had slowed down long enough to really think about these things and understand the importance of them, way back then.  But that is looking back, and I am not doing that right now.  Instead, I am looking twenty years from now, and saying how am I going to make the changes that I want to make?  What am I going to do different?  What do I want people to remember about me?  About the things that I did? 

How I want others to remember me
I guess I have some work to do, in creating my next twenty years.  I can create it to be whatever I want it to be, and I need to start now!  So how about it?  Are you there with me?  I dare you to write out your twenty year plan, one year at a time, and see who you are and where you are. Create your own little glimpse into the future.  Do you like what you see?  If not, what are you going to do about it? Change your glimpse to make it better, for it is only a glimpse remember!!   If you do like it, then get a little more detailed about how you are going to make it happen.  Remember, it is going to happen whether your way or not, so make it happen your way.

Friday, January 09, 2015


Well the New Year of 2015 has hit and is zipping right along.  I can't believe it!  I have been really busy working, family, writing, and trying to have a bit of a life inbetween all of the stuff that keeps me so busy!

I did set a goal before the New Year that I wanted to write every day in 2015.  It really didn't matter which project I worked on, as long as I was writing something every day.  Thus far, I have been successful - even though it has only been nine whole days!  Hey that is far longer than some of my other goals have made it.  I realize that there will be times when I can't write for whatever reason, but I am determined to give it a shot.  I have two books in the works that I want to have completed and published by the end of this year.  I would like to say by summer time, but reality is, not likely.

The Apothecary Kitchen
You can find some of my work on my herbal book at my new blog called The Apothecary Kitchen.  I really love all things herbal and of the earth.  I try to focus my efforts elsewhere, but always seem to come back to working with herbs and natural healing.  I wish I would have had the opportunity to learn more in my earlier years.  Never too late though, right?  I am really trying to focus this year not only one of my new books, titled "The Apothecary Kitchen", but on creating and selling a few key things (in the works) both on my website, and locally.  I will let you know when they are finished.  I am super excited!

I am also excited for my other book, "Walk Your Creek", which I have been working on for some time.  It is going to be great too.  You know we all have those meanderings in life, and depending on which course down the creek we take, there are challenges to overcome.  I have met so many people who have overcome huge obstacles in life, and I want to share their stories with  you.  I think you will like it.

No, I never have tried my hand at writing fiction yet.  I like to sit down and read a good novel every now and then, but I find there is just too much information out there and I want to know it all.  Crazy right?  I just prefer to read non-fiction, and of course write it too.

Writing is a fun journey if you are ever finding you need a hobby.  It is free, and very satisfying.  What do you like to read?  What are your passions or hobbies?  Chances are that you could write about what you love.  Give it a shot!

Here's to a great new year, full of memories to be made, stories to make and write, and things to discover and learn!  Go for it!